Square - Brand Illustrations
CLIENT | Square
PRODUCED AT | Brand New School
MY ROLE | Design
CAPABILITY | Vector Illustration, Hand-drawn Illustration, Concept Development
Square approached BNS to create a fresh set of brand illustrations for application on their website and social media platforms. The objective is to provide a comprehensive style guide to facilitate the brand's subsequent development and applications.
My proudest moment from this project is to develop distinctive illustrations for the Square brand. I experimented with various styles, color combinations and brainstormed numerous sketches to cater to a variety of financial and business-related articles and projects.
Here are some illustrations that I created for the Square along the development journey.
The illustration style integrates the Square Motif, Typography and UI, Frosted Glass Elements and the User Represented Hand. The Frosted Glass Elements is used as a conceptual touchpoint between the user and the Square platform.
The color palette adopts Square's fundamental colors of black, white, and Market blue, complemented by gradients, bringing a more diverse and dynamic potential to the brand identity.
This direction incorporates more expressive hand-drawn lines, along with the inclusion of humanizing texture patterns. The style of a broader color usage, along with the humanistic elements and atmosphere breaks free from the established impression of a tech brand.
This approach employs smoother hand-drawn lines to evoke a more user-friendly feeling. Departing from the brand's established blue color, it opts for a comforting coffee shade to depict illustrations related to restaurant and food, all while preserving a minimalist spirit.
Idea Sketches
Curious about how these final illusions were developed? Feel free to check out the following sketches where I experimented with different areas that the service from Square can be implemented, such as contactless payment, speed selling, etc.
For additional information or full credit list, please feel free to contact me.